Compute Award communication default across the crisis indicator
The indicator detects an increase across the emergency in the rate of contracts for which the contracting authorities have not communicated the award details to Anticorruption Authority, with reference to contracts belonging to relevant economic market.
The red flag considers at risk those contracting authorities with an increase in the communication default rate of award information, hence a worsening of their communication duties.
Scoring rule
The computation procedure returns 1 - p-value of the involved test (so that high values of the indicator correspond
to high levels of corruption risk). When computing the composite, it will be dichotomised to 1 if statistical test is
significant, and 0 otherwise (see normalise()
- data
a dataframe containing the data to use for computing the indicator.
- publication_date
name of the variable in
containing the publication date of each contract.- emergency_name
string specifying the name of the emergency to consider. Examples could include "Coronavirus" or "Terremoto Centro Italia 2016-2017".
- award_col
name of the variable in
containing the award notice ID for each contract.- stat_unit
name of the variable in
containing the target unit ID (in this case, contracting authority).- test_type
string specifying the statistical test to use for computing the indicator. Available options are "barnard", "fisher", or "z-test".
- cpvs
character vector of CPV divisions (first two digits of CPV code) on which
are filtered out. Note: a panel of experts have already chosen which CPV divisions are most affected by which emergency.- ...
other parameters to pass to
, such ascountry_name
(default: Italy).
indicator schema as from generate_indicator_schema()
if (FALSE) {
if (interactive()) {
data = mock_data_core,
publication_date = data_pubblicazione,
emergency_name = "coronavirus",
award_col = id_aggiudicazione,
stat_unit = cf_amministrazione_appaltante,
test_type = "fisher"